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What to Do While Quarantined With Kids

If you are a working parent, you’re most likely wondering how to manage homeschool your children and work at the same time. Not to mention that since everyone is confined to their homes, you’ll have to also take care of the chores and cook. So in this video, I want to share my tips on what to do while quarantined with kids.

This is a serious and emotional time for many families who lost loved ones due to the coronavirus outbreak. It is a challenging time for many businesses that had to close due to the …

Project 333 : 2020 Spring Capsule Wardrobe

This spring I decided to create my first capsule wardrobe by following the rules of Project 333. It means that you can wear only 33 articles for the next three months. The 33 pieces include shoes, accessories, jewelry, and clothing. You don’t include underwear, sleepwear, in-home loungewear, workout clothing, and wedding rings. 

Since I live in Switzerland, which is cold between March and May, my 33 pieces include warm clothes and shoes. As my parents always say: “It is better to be warm. You can always take one layer off.”

Once I chose the …

Plastic Trash Audit – What Does It Have To Do With Sustainable Living?

Welcome to my series on sustainable living. How can you change your habits? Well, first, you have to believe that you really want to make the change. In the video below, I will show you how to start by conducting a plastic trash audit. Yes, you understood correctly- we will go through your trash.

We’ll start by collecting all empty single-use plastic packaging for a month. Don’t forget to wash/clean bottles and food packaging so that it doesn’t smell.

After one month, lay all the trash down on the …

What are Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals?

I decided to create this series to share our journey to low-plastic and sustainable living, but also to try to explain in simple terms why are sustainable development and sustainable development goals important for everyone. I am a working mom and when I look at people who promote sustainable living, I either don’t understand the terms or feel excluded.

Oftentimes, people advocate organic food, which I can’t buy all the time, zero waste living, which I would be more able to follow if I was childless and single, zero carbon footprint – which is impossible for …

How to Use Social Media to Be Happy

Every time I watch the sea, I feel so free. I think of how all the things I consider important don’t matter at all. Whether it’s getting stressed at work, running after what has to be done by the end of the day or pretending to be someone bigger and better just to get more likes and follow on social media. Can we use social media to be happy?

When I get unsettled and nervous for no reason, feel down because I am not as successful or pretty as my peers, I remember to go back …